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Who Had the Right of Way?


Whenever a car accident occurs, one of the aspects to consider is who had the right of way. The right-of-way rules determine which driver may proceed and which one should yield at merges, stops, and turns.

These rules are in place to help people drive safely. Knowing the rules could save a life.

Common right-of-way rules include the following:

  • Controlled intersections – Drivers must adhere to traffic signals and signs at these intersections. If a driver fails to obey these signals, he or she can be at fault for a crash.
  • Uncontrolled intersections – Drivers must yield to those who are already at the intersection before them. If two cars arrive at the same time, the car to the right has the right of way.
  • Intersections with multiple lanes – If a road with multiple lanes intersects with a smaller street, the drivers on the large road have the right of way.
  • Highway on-ramps – Those who are merging with the flow of traffic, the drivers on the highway are given the right of way.
  • Highway off-ramps – Those exiting the highway must yield to the drivers on the road they are exiting onto.

Keep in mind, Florida is a “pure comparative negligence” state, which reduces the amount of damages that a plaintiff can recover in a negligent claim, based upon the degree to which the plaintiff’s own negligence contributed to cause the injury. So in order to avoid being partial to blame for an accident, obey the right-of-way rules at all times.

For more information, contact our Dunedin personal injury attorney at Paulsen Law Group and request a free consultation today.

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